Writing Samples

Writing is my life, but writing about Alzheimer’s, how it has affected my mom, millions of others, and what we need to do about it, is one of my most important purposes.

Recently, I had the honor of collaborating with 21 other women from all walks of life on a special anthology project called Deserts to Mountaintops: Our Collective Journey to (re)Claiming Our Voice. My essay, “Dining at the Dementia Cafe” is part of the collection.

I’m humbled to be accepted into the project, which has empowered me to keep writing—even when it’s difficult and the words refuse to show themselves to me. At the same time I help my clients find their words, I’m always searching for my own, too. It’s part of why I love this craft so very much.

Pick up a copy of Deserts to Mountaintops—available as an e-book, paperback and audiobook on Amazon.